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 According Onong Uchyana Effendi in the book Dimensions of communication, the emergence of the first television broadcast in the world is when the UN Security Council in 1946 held its first meeting in the building of Hunter College, New York, United Serikat.Sidang UN Security Council is crucial because the fate of the world after World War II will be determined in persidangan.Tidak wonder if the representatives of the press from all over the world come and meet sidang.Para space visitors who did not get where they may be outside and could watch the proceedings on television.
Satellite television is television that is transmitted in a similar way as satellite communications, and can be likened to a local television and cable television. In many places on this earth, satellite television service adds to the ancient local signal, resulting in the range of channels and services more broadly, including to paid services.
The first satellite television signal broadcast from continental Europe to the Telstar satellite over North America in 1962. The first geosynchronous communication satellite, Syncom 2 was launched in 1963. The first commercial satellite communications in the world, called Intelsat_I (also called Early Bird), was launched into orbit on April 6, 1965. The first national satellite television network, Orbita, made in the Soviet Union in 1967. The first North American domestic satellites containing telecast is geostasiun owned Canadian Anik 1, which was launched in 1872.

B. History and Development of Radio in the World
Thanks to the invention of technology experts, physical objects commonly called radio can be heard through the waves or frequencies SW (Short Wave), AM (Amplitude Modulation) and FM (Frequency Modulation) .In future Charles Herrold in 1912, radio broadcasts regularly have had the allure of potential as an aural medium, which can be heard.
Trying to trace the history and chronology of his actions, since the beginning were found in 1877, objects that rely on electromagnetic waves continued to experience growth in several experiments, and its function as an embodiment of media technology application has been made by James Clark Maxwell, Henrich Hertz, Marconi Glugliemo, Lee De Forest, Regisnald Fessenden, and Charles Herrold.
The subsequent discovery by three scholars muda.Di them, an expert in the theory of the origin of the English realm named James Clark Maxwell Scientific dubbed the father of wireless, managed to find formulas (1865) which supposedly embodies electromagnetic waves, which used radio waves and television.